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This is where Duuit users to share their videos. The page allows videos to be sorted by all, mine, following, and favorites. Videos are highlighted by a thumbnail clip and listed by the most recent first. The listing includes who posted the video,…

This is an example of a video posted to Duuit's video page. The page shows who posted it, the date, tags associated with the video, and the number of views. Below the video, the user has the opportunity to provide more information about the video.…

This page represents Duuit's terms of service. This is an extensive list of the terms and conditions of service (TACOS) that includes what is and is not allowed on the site, as well the repercussions. At the end, the terms encourage users to "be…

This is Duuit users' status page. This page list all the status posts by users and the date they were posted. It is possible to thread posts and see responses to status posts.

This is Duuit's user registration page. The page asks potential users for their display name, email, username, password, and password again. Potential users must click a box noting they have read and agreed to the sites terms of use agreement, which…

This is Duuit's privacy statement noting that they will not share user information. There is a caveat that the privacy statement could change from time to time and only the newest one will apply.

This page is a gallery of all Duuit members' uploaded photographs. Each page contains up to 20 thumbnail images. Directly above each image is its title. It is unclear on this image, how the images are organized. The page also allows users to sort by…

This is an example of an individual's photo page on Duuit. The page provides the option to title the photo ("its alive" in this example), shows who posted the image, and the date posted. Below the photo there is a place for a caption. Additionally,…

This is Duuit's login page. Members must enter username/email and password. You have the option of remembering the user.You can also register and retrieve a lost password. One can login using Google, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, and AOL. There are also…

This is Duuit's homepage. Current users are able to log in and new users can register on this page. There is a description that says it provides both social sharing and privacy, that you can share content, and communicate with other members. The site…

This is a list of all groups that can be found on Duuit. The page provides four tabs to sort the groups by newest, popular, featured, or latest discussion. The group's name and avatar are present and some groups have a brief description of what they…

This page provides all the files that have been uploaded to Duuit. The list is sorted by newest on top and shows the name of the file, who posted it, and the date is was posted. Users can sort the files by all, audio, documents, general, pictures,…

This page provides a list of all the blogs on the Duuit site. It shows the newest on top, along with the user's avatar, user name, and date posted. It also provides a link to any comments that were posted to the blog. The page also highlights the…

On the blog page, users can create their own blog posts. The page posts the avatar and user name, title of post, date of post, and any comments associated with the post. From this page, a user can also link to their blogs, files, photo albums,…

Big Brother is an example of a page you would find in groups. The particular focus of this group appears to be on providing information on how "big brother" watches citizens. It provides a description of the group, an image or avatar identifying the…

This is Duuit's about page. It provides information letting the reader know it was created in 2009, but not going to be made public until 2014. The page provides the goal of the site as not to be controlled by corporate social sites and provides some…

This is Duuit's activity page. Users' activity such as video, text, and image posts, as well as members following other members are displayed on this page. You are able to select the type of activity you prefer to see. When one posts to the activity…
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