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This is Torbook's privacy settings page. Users can customize how other users can interact with their profile. This includes such things as who can view your profile, your basic information, your wall, your friends, and who can tag you in posts, send…

On this page of Torbook, users can create and participate in polls. Users can search all polls, their own polls, and friends polls. At this particular time there were no polls found.

This is Torbook's photo page where members can upload photos as profile pictures or for sharing. Photos can be searched by all photos, user's photos, and friends' photos. they can also be put into albums and organized by a variety of categories.…

Torbook pages are user generated pages. Pages can be sorted by all pages, user pages, and friends' pages. They can also be organized into various categories such as entertainment, community, and/or business. Users can like, comment, and share these…

This is Torbook's members page. The page features an image or avatar of the user, their user name, birthday, and gender. You can browse or search members by gender, age, location, or keyword. Similar to Facebook, you can also add them as friends.…

This is Torbook's home page where users can sign in or new users can sign up. It is identified as the TOR version of Facebook.

This is Torbook's forum page. Users can participate in a variety of forums that include such topics as: movies, music, general, and/or technology. Users can search new posts, their own threads, or threads they subscribe. The page also provide…

This is Torbook's member blog page.It allows members to create, search, and read other member's blogs. Members can look at all blogs, their own, or their friends' blogs. They are also able to categorize them under 10 different headings, such as…

Torbook's activity page is very similar to Facebook. It allows users to post their status, share a photo, links, music, links, or blogs. Other users can like, comment, and/or share a posting. You can also search the postings. The postings contain the…

This is Torbook's account settings page where you set up a Torbook account. It requires your full name, email, and password. Additionally, it asks for language, time zone, and preferred currency. This is also where you go if you want to cancel your…

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This page links back to Kyle Farwell's webpage. The page lists information on Tokumei and Farwell's other projects.

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This is Tokumei's site map. This page is a listing of all the posts. Users can click on the post number to access and respond to the post.

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This is the search page for Tokumei. On this page you can search by clicking on the trending tags or you can type in your own key word. From this page you can link to the privacy policy, rules, API, source code, RSS, sitemap, Tor, hidden service,…

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This is a sample post from the list of recent feeds. Users can tag their post. Individuals can reply to post, share, flag, or delete. From this page you can link to the privacy policy, rules, API, source code, RSS, sitemap, Tor, hidden service, I2P,…
This is Tokumei's rules page. The rules are very simple basically stating not to do anything that violates local or Canadian law. From this page users can also link to privacy policy, API, Source Code, sitemap, and email Tokumei.

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This is Tokumei's RSS feed. Users can subscribe to this feed by using live bookmarks, Microsoft Outlook, My Yahoo, or they can choose another application.
On this page of Tokumei the most recent posts are listed. The post shows the text, date, and any tags. It also allows users to reply, share, flag, and delete. Users can also search posts from this page.
This is Tokumei's privacy policy. It explains what information is collected, how it is used, and what is not collected. From this page users can also link to the rules, API, Source Code, RSS, Sitemap, etc.

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This is Tokumei's license. It describes the permissions and requirements associated with using the software. From this page users can also link to privacy policy, API, Source Code, sitemap, and email Tokumei.

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This is Tokumei's home page. This page describes how it keeps users anonymous, provides an email to get in touch, encourages developers, and provides links to the code and opportunity to donate.

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This page allows users to donate to Tokumei. There is no specific request for donations, but simply an option. To begin, those wishing to donate enter their email, message, and refund address.

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This is Tokumei's application programming interface (API) page that provides users with codes to utilize the site.

This is an example of a user profile page. User can choose to post the following: avatar, where they are from, their age, gender, and sexual preference. User can link to the other pages on the site. It also alerts them to messages.

TheDarkLairTheBoard p.png
The Board is a discussion board where users can post comments, pictures, and engage with one another. At the time of this posting the anonymous posting was unavailable. On this page you can also link to other pages, reserve a name, or login. Avatars,…

This page of The Dark Lair lists provides the rules that include: no CP, no torture pics, no terrorism or extremism content, English only, and the admins has full power to remove posts. Additionally, this page lists the features supported by the…
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