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This is My Muslim Friends Book audio page. On this page, users can post and listen to various types of audio. Users can sort by all audio, my audio, friend's audio, or by genres. On the right side of the screen new albums and featured audio are…

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This is My Muslim Friends Book home page. The page features an image of a mosque. From this page, users can login. There are also links to other pages, including one to sign up.

This is MYMFB's about page. On this page users can signup or login. It provides a brief description of what it provides, the aims of MyMFB, and a brief history.

This page is part of Hatebook's edit your profile section. It allows users to tell other users in what areas that are better than users. Users have the opportunity to post photos and videos of their talents.

The warnings page is part of Hatebook's user profile. On this page, users can create a warning list. This includes the name of the warning, the location, a website if applicable, a category, a description and photo. The idea appears to provide…

This page is part of Hatebook's edit your profile section. On this page a user can give information about themselves along with providing information on an array of things that they think suck, such as: movies, quotes, activities, food, books, etc.…

This is Hatebook's terms of use page. It provides the users legal rights, eligibility, remedies, obligations, limitations, exclusions and dispute resolution.

The system message page is Hatebook's news feed. It lists all the activities by each member, including: who joined, who is looking at who's profile, who posted a comment and where, and who has joined various groups. Along with each post it shows the…

This is Hatebook's registration page. It asks for gender, address, country, username, password, and email. It also provides links to the terms of use and privacy policy that you must acknowledge you have read and agree. You have to enter a CAPTCHA…

This page is Hatebook's privacy policy. The page explains Hatebook's core principles, the information they collect, the use of information users share, and the role third parties play within the network.

This is Hatebook's "Meet & Greet" starting page as Hatebook calls it. It appears to be the current activity that is happening on Hatebook. On this page the users avatar is present and it provides a feed showing who are new members and who is looking…

On this page of Hatebook, users can add photos of things they hate. this page lists all the photos and gives the user the opportunity to see the photos on an evil map. As this is part of the profile page, users can see the profile overview including…

This is Hatebook's homepage. From this page a user can login or a potential user can join. The page notes that Hatebook is an anti-social utility that disconnects you from the things you hate.

This is the page the comes up when a new user registers for Hatebook. A brief welcome message appears over the general profile page noting that registration was complete and encouraging you to add a profile. When you close the message you are able to…

The hate profile is the users profile page. It shows their avatar, user name, a profile overview, and hate-clan membership. Images and names have been pixelated.

On this page of editing your profile, a user can create a hate-clan. Users name the clan, select a category, provide a website (if applicable), provide a description, and add photos with comments. This appears to be a form of creating various…

The hate album is found under edit your profile. On this page, a user can add a photo to their hate album and a comment on the photo. Maximum size is 1200 KB. Under edit you profile you can also add general stuff,portrait, hatebuddy, things that…

This is part of Hatebook's edit your profile page that allows users to upload an image to serve as an avatar. Maximum image size is 1024 X 768. Additionally under edit your profile there is a link for general stuff, hatebuddy, things that suck, why…

On this page of hatebook, users can submit a message to the administrator (assumption). There is an image of Dr. Evil next to the message box. At the top of the page it asks "Is anything hindering us taking over the world? In order to submit, one…

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This is series of pages where individuals can register for a Steem account. Steem emphasizes that you should not lose your password as they will not retrieve it.

This page is an example of a post or story that a user has submitted that has been tagged within the photography category. The story has a title, text, and images. From this page, users can reply or share share this post.

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This is the page that comes up when one clicks on the photography tag. On this link there is a listing of all the posts that have been tagged photography, along with users avatar, title, currency, time posted, views, and comments.

This page of Steem you can see their road map for future enhancements to their site. The page notes that it will be updated with with information regarding future changes. From this page, there are also links to home, join, a video about Steem, their…

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Steem has the option of joining Slack, a cloud-based team collaboration tool. Slack is used to create organizational communication, allowing Steem members to communicate outside the Steem site.

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This is the privacy policy established by Steem. This policy establishes how and why Steem collects, uses, and shares information about you when you access and use their online products or interact with them.
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