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This is Blackbook's redesigned general forum page. This page lists the various forum posts, the date posted, and the number of replies to each post. Each post lists the users name and avatar.

This is Blackbook's redesigned forum post page. This is an example of one of the forum posts and responses to it. Posts can be liked, shared, and quoted.

This is Blackbook's redesigned forum page. The page allows you to search for various topics. It also features to categories: discussions, which include general, movies, and music and computers & technology, which features computers, electronics,…

This is Blackbook's redesigned contact page. This page allows you to contact the administrators. You must select a category, enter a subject, and enter a message. You can also opt to have a copy of the message sent to yourself. Prior to sending you…

This is Blackbook's business director. The top of the page has featured business listed. Below businesses can be sorted by category. This page is part of Blackbook's redesigned look.

Tokumei License.png
This is Tokumei's license. It describes the permissions and requirements associated with using the software. From this page users can also link to privacy policy, API, Source Code, sitemap, and email Tokumei.
This is Tokumei's rules page. The rules are very simple basically stating not to do anything that violates local or Canadian law. From this page users can also link to privacy policy, API, Source Code, sitemap, and email Tokumei.
On this page of Tokumei the most recent posts are listed. The post shows the text, date, and any tags. It also allows users to reply, share, flag, and delete. Users can also search posts from this page.
This is Tokumei's privacy policy. It explains what information is collected, how it is used, and what is not collected. From this page users can also link to the rules, API, Source Code, RSS, Sitemap, etc.

Tokumei Source Code.png
This page links back to Kyle Farwell's webpage. The page lists information on Tokumei and Farwell's other projects.

Tokumei SiteMap.png
This is Tokumei's site map. This page is a listing of all the posts. Users can click on the post number to access and respond to the post.

Tokumei Search.PNG
This is the search page for Tokumei. On this page you can search by clicking on the trending tags or you can type in your own key word. From this page you can link to the privacy policy, rules, API, source code, RSS, sitemap, Tor, hidden service,…

Tokumei Sample post.png
This is a sample post from the list of recent feeds. Users can tag their post. Individuals can reply to post, share, flag, or delete. From this page you can link to the privacy policy, rules, API, source code, RSS, sitemap, Tor, hidden service, I2P,…

tokumei rss.PNG
This is Tokumei's RSS feed. Users can subscribe to this feed by using live bookmarks, Microsoft Outlook, My Yahoo, or they can choose another application.

Tokumei home.png
This is Tokumei's home page. This page describes how it keeps users anonymous, provides an email to get in touch, encourages developers, and provides links to the code and opportunity to donate.

Tokumei Donate.PNG
This page allows users to donate to Tokumei. There is no specific request for donations, but simply an option. To begin, those wishing to donate enter their email, message, and refund address.

Tokumei API.png
This is Tokumei's application programming interface (API) page that provides users with codes to utilize the site.

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This page highlights Voat's concept of a partner program. According to the page, Voat will give company shares and ad revenue to users who share their original content, serve as moderators, and who write comments. Currently the site states that…

Vote Register.png
This is Voat's user registration page. To register, Voat requires only a user name and password. They do not ask for an email or any other personal information.

Vote - Explore Voat.png
This page allows users to explore the various subverses on Voat. It is organized by the number of subscribers, with those subverses with the most subscribers at the top. This includes: news, technology, science, and gaming as the top four. This page…

Voat Videos.png
This Voat subverse is dedicated to videos. Like other subverses, this page lists number of subscribers, number currently online, moderators, and how long it has been a community. This subverse lists several guidelines of what should and should not be…

Voat TV.png
This subverse focuses on television related content and discussion. Like other subverses it lists number of subscribers, those currently on line, moderators, and how long it has been a community. This subverse utilizes several rules relating to…

Voat Technology.png
This suberverse of Voat focuses on all things technology. Topics ranged from technology and the Paris attacks, to Facebook, Edward Snowden, and officer body cameras. As with the other subverses it highlights the number of subscribers, current users…

Voat Sports.png
This subverse of Voat focuses on sports lovers. As with the other subverses, the page shows the number of subscribers, current users online, how long the community has been in existence and the managers. This page does not have any rules for posting.…

Voat Programming.png
This Voat subverse is related to programming. It focuses on language agnostic subvoat, general programming talk, educational, and programming technology related submissions. A few general rules related to posting are available, as well as links to…
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