Browse Items (111 total)

This is Torbook's members page. The page features an image or avatar of the user, their user name, birthday, and gender. You can browse or search members by gender, age, location, or keyword. Similar to Facebook, you can also add them as friends.…

Torbook pages are user generated pages. Pages can be sorted by all pages, user pages, and friends' pages. They can also be organized into various categories such as entertainment, community, and/or business. Users can like, comment, and share these…

This is Torbook's photo page where members can upload photos as profile pictures or for sharing. Photos can be searched by all photos, user's photos, and friends' photos. they can also be put into albums and organized by a variety of categories.…

On this page of Torbook, users can create and participate in polls. Users can search all polls, their own polls, and friends polls. At this particular time there were no polls found.

This is Torbook's privacy settings page. Users can customize how other users can interact with their profile. This includes such things as who can view your profile, your basic information, your wall, your friends, and who can tag you in posts, send…

This is the user page for Torbook. There are two links on this page - wall (shown) and info. The wall includes a user avatar, name and birthday. It also allows the user to post something to their wall and provides a listing of new feeds. From this…

This was the first vendor account being auctioned by Blackbook. The site provides the payment option, bidding, and stats on the left side of the page. The center section of the page provides time remaining, tabs for information, photos, questions,…

This page focuses on Blackbook's auctions. On this page, the user has the option to search auctions and stores, as well as links to auctions they are following, coupons, and their stores. Auctions can also be searched by categories that include…

This is Blackbook's contact page. It allows individuals to contact the administrator(s) of the site. Users must select a category, provide full name, subject, email address, and message. You also have the option to send a copy of the message to…

Blackbook allows its users to create applications and add them to Blackbook to take advantage of the existing user base. It allows the host of the application to have full control of the server specifications. This page provides an introduction and…

This is a sub-page on the developer site, under the API list, which provides developers with the codes to get a list of friends and/or check friendship status for a specific user. The page highlights the response code that the developer will receive…

This is a sub-page on the developer site, under the API list, which provides developers with the code to get the total number of unseen messages.. The page highlights the response code that the developer will receive when using this method.

This is a sub-page on the developer site, under the API list, which provides developers with the code to get the total number of unseen notifications and/or all the user notifications.. The page highlights the response code that the developer will…

This is a sub-page on the developer site, under the API list, which provides developers with the code to upload a photo on behalf of the user and/or all the photos for a user.. The page highlights the response code that the developer will receive…

This is a sub-page on the developer site, under the API list, which provides developers with the code to get information about a user based on the user ID#. The page highlights the response code that the developer will receive when using this method.

The is Blackbook's forum page. This page shows two categories of forums. The first is Discussions, which has three topics: General, Movies, and Music. the second is Computers & Technology, which features four topics: Computers, Electronics, Gadgets,…

This page illustrates what a friend request looks like and it is very similar to Facebook. The light blue icon of a person with a plus sign on their shoulder on the top of the page turns black. When that icon is clicked a small friend request box…

This page allows users to browse the current members of Blackbook. Users can sort members by gender, age range, city, zip code, and/or keywords. It also provides an advanced filter for more specific search. The results show the current members who…

Blackbook's Pages features various vendor, artist, or other type of page that have been created by users or administrators. A user can sort by all pages, their own pages, or friends pages. There is also a list of categories that currently feature:…

This Blackbook page features photos posted by users. Photos can be searched in a number of ways, including: all photos, a users photos, friends photos, photo albums, by 21 different categories that include such things as people, fan art, pets,…

This page allows Blackbook users to customize how other users can interact with their profile. You can specify with such categories as anyone, community, friends, etc. The page is pretty specific from viewing and sharing on your wall, to viewing…

This is Blackbook users profile page. This page features what the user will allow others to view. This page allows us to see the user name and avatar, location and birth date. On the left side of the page there are links to the users wall, info,…

This is Blackbook's registration and/or login page. This page features a graphic of a gray global map, with orange nodes and gray connecting lines, with the phrase "Blackbook helps you connect and share with the people in your life." It also notes…

This is Blackbook's terms of use page. At the time of this screen capture, the Lorem ipsum type setter dummy text is in use, rather than an actual term of use. Form this page you can also sign up for an account or login.

This is Blackbook's video page. All videos that are shared on Blackbook can be found here. A user is able to search all videos, their own videos, or friends' videos. Videos can also be search by categories, such as autos, gaming, pets, sports, etc. A…
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