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This is Lorea's wikis page. This page lists the user created wikis pages. There are 6 links on a page and at least 6 pages. From this page you can link to a variety of other pages and search content.

On this page there is a complete listing of videos that have been posted to the site. At the time of the posting there were at least 6 pages with 10 videos per page. The videos each have a screen capture image, a title, who posted it, tags, and how…

This is Lorea's homepage, but also serves as a group page. It includes a description of the page, who the administrator is, the number of members in the group, and other active groups and discussions. It also includes lists subgroups and related…

This page includes all of the photo albums or folders included on the site. The folders have an image, title, and number of photos included. There are also multiple navigation links on the page. As the rest of site, this page is in Spanish.

This is Propaganda's microblogging site called The Wire. This allows for 250-character posts, replies, and threads. As is clear in the image, posts can appear in a variety of languages. You are able to see all posts, your own posts, and friends'…

This is an example of Propaganda's user setting page. On this page users can change and update their display name, email address, and passwords.

This is a Propaganda user page. The page features the users avatar, a list of the users friends and group memberships, and their activity. It allows the user to make edits to their avatar and profile.

Content has been redacted.

This is Propaganda's terms of use. It promotes a friendly and coordinated site promoting sharing and creating of content. It states that it does not tolerate porn or racist/hate beliefs.

This is Propaganda's user registration page. It asks for a display name, email adders, username, and password in order for new users to register an account.

This is Propaganda's privacy statement. It does not provide a privacy policy for the site, but rather cautions against providing personal information to corporations.

This is Propaganda's photo page. The photos are laid out in a grid format. This page allows users to upload photos and view photos that have been posted to the site. They can sort by all photos, their own photos, and their friends photos.


This is Propaganda's members page. On this page you are able to find a list of the newest members, the most popular members, and those members currently logged in. You are also able to search for members. The total number of members can be found on…

This is an example of Propaganda's image page. This page allows users to upload and download images to the user site. The user and friends can add comments to the image.

This is Propaganda's homepage. This is where users log in or can retrieve their password. It is also the location new users can register and anyone can learn more about Propaganda, their terms of use, and privacy policy.

This is Propaganda's groups page, where topic specific discussions can occur. Through this page users can see the newest groups, popular groups, featured groups, or the latest group discussions. They can also join, search, or invite members. Members…

This is Propaganda's email validation page. It is used when signing up for an account. In order to activate one's account, one must use a link sent to the email address used when signing up for Propaganda.

This is Propaganda's avatar wall. It features avatars of all members, active members for the day, and active members for the week. Avatars have been pixelated.

This is Propaganda's all site activity page. It shows summaries of all publicly available activity on the site, including new friend connections, new Wire posts, and new comments. All avatars and Wire posts have been pixelated. It can be sorted by…

This is Propaganda's about page, explaining its purpose and focus on user-generated content..

This page falls under the About section of Ello. On this page, Ello explains that they believe in transparency, so this page explains what information Ello collects when you join the network and how you can opt out of certain data collection.

This page falls under the About page and describes who created Ello. Three primary people are credited with this site: Paul Budnitz, Todd Berger and Lucian Fohr. Berger & Fohr run a graphic design and art direction studio in Boulder, CO. Budnitz is…

On this page of Ello's site you can purchase merchandise to help support Ello. Users can purchase men's and women's t-shirts or phone cases. Ello has partnered with Threadless, a printing company based in Chicago, IL with a goal of promoting…

This page is included under Ello's Policies page. It includes information on the users' responsibilities, what happens when you post content, inactive accounts, information for users regarding the content they post, and the required legal…

This is part of Ello's About Page. This page explains Ello's history and purpose for creation. It lets users know that Ello is still in Beta, but is still constantly adding and improving features.

This page is part of Ello's Policies page. It explains Ello's security policy. This page invites security specialists to find and notify Ello regarding vulnerabilities. It does note that while researching, you can not hurt or destroy Ello or violate…
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