Browse Items (327 total)

On this page of, users can determine their privacy settings. It gives a definition of what it means to block other members and then lets individuals decide who can view their profile, who can post on your profile, and what types of things can…

On this page users can respond to and create polls. Each poll shows the title/question, who posted it, when it was posted, the number of votes, and number of views. The page also allows users to search, browse, see the status of polls, and…

The notification settings page on falls under the My Settings tab. On this page, users can chose which types of activities they want to receive email alerts about. There are 33 activities that a user could be notified about, such as: when…

The networks setting page of is part of the My Settings section. In this section, it shows the available networks and the networks the user belongs to. On the date of this screen capture, it is noted that there are currently no available…

This is the music section of On this page, users' music and playlists are featured. It shows who created the playlist, when it was created, and if there are any comments on it. Playlists can be opened and played from the site. Additionally,…

This is the users home page on On the left side of this page, the users name and avatar appear. Also, users can view updates, view and edit their profile, browse members, and invite friends. It also provides stats that include number of…

This page represents what a page looks like when a video is updated. The page lists the title of the video, who posted it, a description, and when it was posted. Other users can rate it on a 5-star scale, embed it, share it, report it, like…

This is the home page. is a social networking site based in Iceland. This page provides a description of what social networking site is and some of the benefits of joining the sites. Although the have a terms of service, they…

This page is part of the forum. This particular forum deals with help and support topics such as how to delete comments, problems with chat rooms, helping with profile pictures, etc. The page shows the post, how many replies, how many views,…

This is groups page. Users can browse, search and sort groups They can also create a new group. There are a wide variety of groups listed any where from cooking, to ovens, to weather.

The general setting on falls under the my settings page. On the general setting, users can add their email, profile address, set their time zone, and location. There are also links to privacy, networks, notifications, change password and…

This is the forum page for The page has a variety of categories, including such topics as news, self-sufficiency, spirituality, politics, etc. Within each of these categories there are sub categories, which also have topics. Within each of…

On this page, users have the opportunity to post a variety of events, activities, or requests. Events can be searched by upcoming, past, and my events. There are also several other ways to search events. Each event has an image, the topic and…

On this page of one can delete their account. It lets the user know that if they delete account they will lose all uploaded content. A user may delete the account or cancel.

On this page a user can compose and send messages to other users. Similar to any email, you enter who it is being sent to, the subject, and message. You may also add photos, links, music, and voice to the message.

This is the page where one can create a blog. This page is accessed from the Blog page when a user clicks on "write a new entry." Users create a title, key words, select a category, choose a status (draft/published), choose the privacy level,…

This is a classified advertising page that appears to be user driven. Users can browse, sort, and search classifieds in a variety of ways, as well as posting ads. Ads can be with or without an image and include a title, who posted it, the date…

This is the blogs page on Users can search and browse entries, view only their entries, and write new entries. The users avatar, username, title and few lines of text appear. The page also notes when the blog was posted.

This the the photo albums page from This page contains links to users public images that include: wall photos, profile photos, and various named albums. Each album is titled, provides the user's name, and notes how many photos are included.…

This is an example of Propaganda's user setting page. On this page users can change and update their display name, email address, and passwords.

This is a Propaganda user page. The page features the users avatar, a list of the users friends and group memberships, and their activity. It allows the user to make edits to their avatar and profile.

Content has been redacted.

This is Propaganda's microblogging site called The Wire. This allows for 250-character posts, replies, and threads. As is clear in the image, posts can appear in a variety of languages. You are able to see all posts, your own posts, and friends'…

This is Propaganda's terms of use. It promotes a friendly and coordinated site promoting sharing and creating of content. It states that it does not tolerate porn or racist/hate beliefs.

This is Propaganda's user registration page. It asks for a display name, email adders, username, and password in order for new users to register an account.

This is Propaganda's privacy statement. It does not provide a privacy policy for the site, but rather cautions against providing personal information to corporations.
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