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  • Tags: Tor

This is Blackbook's privacy policy. Much like Blackbook's about page, it is filled with dummy text, and has since been taken down.

This page allows Blackbook users to customize how other users can interact with their profile. You can specify with such categories as anyone, community, friends, etc. The page is pretty specific from viewing and sharing on your wall, to viewing…

This is Blackbook users profile page. This page features what the user will allow others to view. This page allows us to see the user name and avatar, location and birth date. On the left side of the page there are links to the users wall, info,…

On this redesigned Blackbook page, users can find friends and other users are recommended. The page lists avatars of potential user-friends, but also gives one the opportunity to enter additional data to be better matched up.

This is Blackbook's registration and/or login page. This page features a graphic of a gray global map, with orange nodes and gray connecting lines, with the phrase "Blackbook helps you connect and share with the people in your life." It also notes…

This is Blackbook's redesigned streaming page. This page list a stream of user activities from posts, to responses, to who have connected as friends. Very similar to the Facebook feed.

This is Blackbook's terms of use page. At the time of this screen capture, the Lorem ipsum type setter dummy text is in use, rather than an actual term of use. Form this page you can also sign up for an account or login.

This is Blackbook's redesigned user home page. This is very similar to a Facebook page that shows the users cover photo and profile/avatar picture. On this page one can update their profile and it shows their list of friends. This page also shows the…

This is Blackbook's video page. All videos that are shared on Blackbook can be found here. A user is able to search all videos, their own videos, or friends' videos. Videos can also be search by categories, such as autos, gaming, pets, sports, etc. A…

Darknet's dashboard is a public discussion board for its members. Members' avatars and names appear when posting. Other users have the opportunity to like and comment. This page highlights new spaces and new people within Darknet's site. It also…

This is a tour of Darknet Social's dashboard page. It is a pop-up window that explains that the profile avatar in the upper right corner serves as the account menu of your page and explains what it does. Within the pop-up, the user can move back and…

This is a tour of Darknet Social's dashboard page. It is a pop-up window that explains what the "my spaces" tab of your page does. Within the pop-up, the user can move to the previous explanation or end the tour. It also provides a link to the "start…

This is a tour of Darknet Social's dashboard page. It is a pop-up window that explains that the bell icon at the top of the page is the notification function that keeps users informed of activities and posts of interest to them. Within the pop-up,…

This is a tour of Darknet Social's dashboard page. It is a pop-up window that explains the dashboard function of your page. Within the pop-up, the user can move to the next explanation or end the tour.

The delete account option falls under Darknet's my spaces/account settings tab. The page asks to make sure you want to delete the account and reminds users that their published content will be removed. In order to delete one's account they are…

This is Darknet Social's directory of members. It shows user's avatars and names (pixelated). The directory is searchable and provides a menu with links to spaces and user profile posts. On the right side of the page there is a space highlighting the…

This page is under Darknet's account setting tab. This is page where users can edit the settings to include tags, language, and profile visibility. There are also links to profile, modules, notification, email, password, and deleting account.

On this page, users can read and send messages to other users. On this page you can link to your dashboard, your spaces, and the directory.

This is a tour of Darknet Social's user profile page. It is a pop-up window that explains how to upload a profile picture and cover photo. Within the pop-up, the user can move to the next explanation or end the tour.

This is a tour of Darknet Social's user profile page. It is a pop-up window that explains that each user has a pin board where their posts will appear on other user's dashboards. Within the pop-up, the user can move to the previous or next…

This is a tour of Darknet Social's user profile page. It is a pop-up window that explains that the public user profile can be seen by all registered users. Within the pop-up, the user can move to the next explanation or end the tour.

This is Darknet's account registration page. There is no specific URL to get to this page, it can be accessed under the dashboard or directory tabs. The page requires user name, password, password confirmation, first name, and last name.

This is Darknet's directory of administrative and user spaces. This appears very similar to a forum space. Current spaces include "Friendly Conversation," "Tutorials," Welcome Space," and "tor directory," This page is contained within the directory…

This is a listing of all the user posts starting with the most recent post. This page falls under the directory page. Each post features the user's avatar, user name, when it was posted, and the ability of other users to like and comment. There is…

This is a tour of Darknet Social's welcome space page. It is a pop-up window that explains what the posts function of your page does. Within the pop-up, the user can move to the previous or next explanation or end the tour.
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